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Of course you can drive traffic any number of ways, but you should seriously look at SEO if you have never used it. However, if you are a beginner, things can get quite confusing which especially happens when you're not focusing on the basics. If you don't set the foundation right, then how do you expect to have long term results? So before you jump into SEO in a full-fledged way, it's important that you perfect your basics. Let's talk about some very basic SEO principles that are mandatory stuff to get started on the right foot.

If you don't have the desire for SEO we'll take care of it for you.

As you are doing your optimization, you must know what is meant by on-page SEO factors and off-page SEO factors. You should know the importance of these two elements and the role they play in your overall SEO success. If you were to ask what optimization consists of, then you would answer that it is off and on page factors. Basically what this all comes down to is following what the search engines, like Google, want in order to rank. So when you do SEO as it needs to be done, then you will have to include both sets of factors.

You will make all kinds of mistakes here and there no matter what; so just get used to the idea. You do not ever want to spin your wheels, so if you cannot figure out what happened, then get help.

It is all part of the learning process, and there is a curve to all things in online marketing. So when you are able to do that, then you will eventually hit a critical mass where the mistakes are rare.

When you're selecting a domain name, make sure your keyword is in it - and it doesn't matter what topic your website is about, you should ensure that the domain is keyword rich. Anything that you can do, that is legal, is worth doing because you never know what will push you over the top. If you pay attention, you will see variations on this theme such as file names for individual names containing keywords. We cannot go into details here, and that is why it is a smart idea to read more information. If you want to get good at SEO, then you need to get used to two things: repetitive work and constant changes. SEO requires that you do not let your feet fall asleep due to the way it can change. Those are just a few things you have to deal with even though it is not hard. There are certain areas of SEO that don't really need much of expertise, but they do require you to keep an eye on them. We have given you several important tips you can use to build a solid foundation on.